Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The High Prioritization Simplification

We've all heard that, when everything is important, nothing is important.

And yet we keep creating ever more important sounding labels to what should just be “most important”. The problem isn’t just with security issues, but also bug prioritization, tickets, and everything else. 

When there are too many Priority 1s, we create Priority 0 which are higher priority.

That works for a while. 

When there are too many Priority 0s, perhaps we create a “Critical Situation” which are higher priority.

What’s broken isn’t in the name or label. The names worked fine before. CritSits are still really just Pri 1s and what are now P1s will likely be handled the same as P3s were before. 

Partly what’s broken is the definition of the criteria. 

The other part that is broken is the lack of willingness to either ruthlessly prioritize with the resources that are available or, if that’s impossible, add more resources to handle the additional workload. 

You can only have one first priority, one second priority, and so on. 

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An Application Security Defect Misunderstanding

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