Thursday, September 12, 2019

Some Wrenching Cyber Security Tool Tomfoolery

For some reason, cyber security practitioners often confuse the value of cyber security tools with the value of the outcomes that these tool provide. 

There is a difference. 

A difference that impacts how you’ll interview, hire, promote, and operate.

No one goes to the hardware store to buy a wrench.  They go to the hardware store to fix the broken sink. The wrench is just the means to that end. 

It’s the same if that same someone hires a plumber, I don’t think anyone asks what tools they use. The customer only cares that the plumber brings enough knowledge, experience, and ability to think through their particular unique problem to find and rectify the issue. 

The value proposition in both cases is a fixed sink. And, that's what ultimately matters.

Cyber security should be the same.  But too often it isn’t.

We seem to value the tools instead of the ability to critically think about what happens behind the tool. 

New attacks wrench us. But, the tools are king. The tools will save us. The tools have become the value proposition.

When the tool doesn't work, the tool gets the blame, because it can only be that. There is no more value to be had without the tool.

The doors to change this are yours to open, how you interview, hire, promote, operate.

How you value critical thinking and engagement to rectify issues. 

You can change your team’s value proposition. 

Follow me on Twitter for discussion and the latest blog updates: @Opinionatedsec1. Or, start your own discussion using #crazygoodcyberteams on twitter or Linkedin and I'll read it.


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