Sunday, September 8, 2019

Unit Tests Won’t Tell You The Customer Experience

After furnishing houses in three countries over the past 12 years, I’ve bought more than my share of televisions over that time. It’s football season in the US and, despite my preference for a different brand, my local Costco rep and some promotional pricing convinced me to bring home a 2019 model LG TV.

Love the specs, image quality, and the TV in general, but….

…it seems like some key parts of the LG TV were not really tested.

By that, I don’t mean software unit tests. I’m sure that they all passed. There are no functional errors. 

There is something more important to software engineering than if automated tests pass or not. The user experience. 

What I mean is that it seems that none of the LG product managers, testers, or execs ever actually tried using the LG magic remote or tried configuring the TV to an internet connection.  


For most people, the remote *is* the user experience for a TV. 

The LG “magic remote” by default has a pointer with an icon that appears on the screen and moves wherever the remote is pointed. The chaotic movement is not only distracting, but also drives my cats crazy. 

So I tried to turn of the pointer feature. There is no option to turn the pointer off in any of the menu options. I’d consider this to be a big miss on the part of the product management team. There is a unpublished hack on the internet to “unregister” the pointer feature…but the pointer automatically re-registers when the OK button is clicked. As if the OK button isn’t a common button to click. So, it’s only unregistered for a short amount of time until the remote is needed again. 

The internet is filled with complaints. Not about the TV, but about the remote. The user experience is so bad that if anyone on the dev, test, or product management team had actually tried the remote, it likely would not have shipped. 

Or perhaps they did and that would be indicative of a worse issue. That common disconnection between the software team and its users.

There is a good lesson here. Unit tests aren’t a measure of the customer experience.  You and your manual tests are.

You have skin in the game no matter your role. 

The customer experience is a measure of how likely a customer is to buy your product again. Or convince others to buy it. Because, in most cases, you only get one swing of the bat with any customer. 

What are those key features for your product?

You need to try those features that you ship, especially the security features. It's the only way to know the customer experience. Do you really want to hinge your entire brand on a crappy key experience in one of those key features?

At least in my case, LG did. And their whole brand in my eyes is the worse for it. 

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