Friday, December 20, 2019

Rediscover The Security In Cyber Security

Despite sharing a cyber security focus, different organizations value different outcomes in the security space. 

So, why do we seem to have lost our way?

There seems to be a school of thought that security is in how closely that the organization adheres to [insert name of framework here]. The thinking is that organization can be secure without having to listening to users and regardless of the impact on them. 

But digital transformation has created a contrarian view. With the perimeter shrinking, security needs users on board and participatory to be truly secure. 

Depending on the level of regulation in your industry, there may not be an option for “either-or”. 

Both approaches can achieve a secure environment.  Yet, as we know from the news, both can fail…. miserably. 

We have to rediscover the security aspect of cyber security. 

Security as a stated goal, and compliance, simple table stakes. 

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